На 28 и 29 февруари 2012г. националните контактни лица по приоритет КОСМОС на 7РП организират конференция: SpaceEU - conference, exhibition & matchmaking.
Конференцията е много важно събитие, която ще представи бъдещето на рамковата програма за научни изследвания и в частност приоритет КОСМОС; кои са бъдещите мисии на ЕКА; тематиката на следващия конкурс по приоритет КОСМОС; др.
При желание от ваша страна може да резервирате двустранни срещи с други участници по идеи за общи проекти. Повече за събитието в текста по-долу, а за регистрация - http://www.b2match.eu/spaceeu/pages/home.
SpaceEU - conference, exhibition & matchmaking
Europe’s place in space is evolving rapidly, and the coming years and months will see a number of crucial steps.
SpaceEU is aimed at space practitioners, helping them to understand the opportunities in this developing space landscape, and to take advantage of them. It will benefit both established operators and potential new entrants, with a particular focus on SMEs.
SpaceEU lays emphasis on enabling participants to meet each other and find future co-operation partners for business and research.
Why you should not miss SpaceEU
SpaceEU will provide you with:
Authoritative information on future Space funding
• What will Horizon2020 be like?
• What will the next FP7 Space call aim at?
• What are ESA’s upcoming missions?
Better understanding of the evolving European Space landscape
• Who are the key players?
• What is funded?
• Where to find information?
Opportunities to meet other Space players
• Face to face – meetings with other participants
• Present your capacities to the audience
• Information and network in the exhibition area
SpaceEU - Understanding, Matchmaking, Global Bridging
Language: English
Costs: Free of charge
Dates for your diary
Deadlines Tasks
15 February 2012 Registration and submission of a collaboration profile for the face-to-face meetings
22 February 2012 Online selection of face-to-face meetings
24 February 2012 Final deadline for registration for SpaceEU
28-29 February 2012 SpaceEU conference, exhibition & face-to-face meetings
The earlier you submit your collaboration profile the more impact it will have.