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    Начало Новини Награди на Европейския Съюз за жени иноватори

    Награди на Европейския Съюз за жени иноватори

    Е-поща Печат

    The EU Prize for Women Innovators will be awarded to three women entrepreneurs, who were at some point during their careers beneficiaries of funding for projects under the RTD Framework Programme (FP) or the Competitive and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP). It is time to have your accomplishments recognised and maybe win one of the first EU Prizes for Women Innovators!

    1st prize: €100 000
    2nd prize: €50 000
    3rd prize: €25 000

    You are just three steps away from winning one of the following prizes for your innovative work in any field or business:
    First step: we will ask for your personal details.
    Second step: you will be asked to upload a scanned version of the business register of the company you (co-) founded as well as a scanned version of any official papers demonstrating that you received or are receiving FP or CIP funding. Please make sure that you have these documents at hand before you start the submission.
    Third step: we would like you to present your achievements to us.

    The application process is designed to be as simple as possible. Should you need further clarification, please call the help line directly on: 0032 483 506 825 or e-mail us at: Адресът на е-пощата e защитен от спам ботове. Нужен ви е javascript, за да го видите. .

    The deadline for submission of applications is 20 September 2011 at 17.00 (Brussels local time). The award ceremony will take place on 5 December 2011 at the Innovation Convention organised by the European Commission in Brussels.

    More details, contest rules, and application can be found at the European Commission Innovation Union website.


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