Balkan-Mediterranean Centre for
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Acronym | BalkanMed INNOVA |
Priority axis | Entrepreneurship and Innovation |
Specific Objective | Territories of Knowledge |
Call | 1st Call for Project Proposals |
Lead Partner | University of Ioannina |
Partners | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Joint Innovation Centre Cyprus University of Technology Youth Entrepreneurial Service Foundation Rural Association Support Programme Company for Research, Education, Innovation and Development of the North Aegean Region S.A. - ELORIS S.A. |
The BalkanMed INNOVA Project partnership will establish a practical & innovative e-learning platform, i.e. the BalkanMed INNOVA Web-School for Entrepreneurial and lifelong learning, with a clear added-value for the European community as a whole, mainly due to the broad number of the end-users, whose transversal competences & skills, such as learning to learn, digital competence & entrepreneurial culture, will reinforce while bridging the worlds of education & business. Furthermore, the main products of the project will be the result of the collaboration of all the partners will be produced in English & will be freely available on the internet through the project's website for anyone interested to use them. In addition, each partner participates in several transnational networks and, through these contacts; the results of the project could be disseminated also outside the partnership countries.
The trainers coming from all 5 participating countries will collaborate before the training by participating in a transnational training-the-trainers day where they are going to have the chance to exchange experiences & ideas in order to make the training of SMEs' staff and young potential entrepreneurs more innovative & more interesting with transnational dimension. The stakeholders' networks to be developed in each country are going to communicate & cooperate between them ensuring in this way the maximum transfer of knowledge & expertise. Conclusively, the philosophy of the project & the nature of the activities to be implemented will enhance European cooperation, as all partners involved will exchange experiences, knowledge, expertise, trends, will discuss & address common issues, thus increasing understanding & open-mindedness. BalkanMed INNOVA Project aims to create a unified Territory of knowledge from North Albania and FYROM to Cyprus and from Ionian Sea and Aegean Sea to Danude, where there will applied virtual based tools and novel approach for learning and vocational training of entrepreneurs, technology and knowledge transfer that will set-up the Web School. Beyond the joint training, it is expected that through the E-tutoring and peer mentoring consultations actions for start-ups young entrepreneurs will create their own new businesses by the end of the project.
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Заключително събитие на проект BalkanMed INNOVA, 24-25 септември 2020 г.
Единният център за иновации на Българска академия на науките (ЕЦИ-БАН) заедно с партньорски организации от 4 държави (University of Ioannina – Гърция, Youth Entrepreneurial Service Foundation – РС Македония, Rural Association Support Programme – Албания, Cyprus University of Technology – Кипър, Company for Research, Education, Innovation and Development of the North Aegean Region S.A. - ELORIS S.A. – Гърция) организираха заключително събитие по проект „BalkanMed INNOVA“ (Балкано-средиземноморски център за предприемачество и иновации), който беше реализиран в рамките на Програмата за транснационално сътрудничество „Балкани – Средиземно море“ 2014-2020.
Събитието се проведе онлайн на 24-ти и 25-ти септември 2020 г. като на него присъстваха представители на различни публични институции и компании, млади учени, потенциални предприемачи, консултанти и експерти в областта на предприемачеството, както и представители на партньорските организации от Северна Македония, Гърция, Албания, България и Кипър.
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Събитието имаше за цел да представи резултатите от проекта, както и да популяризира бизнес културата, като наблегне на ползите, които проектът е предложил и ще продължи да предлага както на местните общности на участващите страни, така и на бизнеса, чрез нови знания, и обучение на участниците.
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BalkanMed INNOVA е проект, базиращ се на стратегическото сътрудничество между 5 държави (Гърция, България, Северна Македония, Албания и Кипър), стремящи се към стимулиране на предприемаческото мислене и насърчаване на растежа на малките и средни предприятия. Това се случва чрез обмяната на опит и експертиза, както и съвместното разрешаване на общи проблеми. Специално внимание се насочва към 5 области от голямо стратегическо значение за социално- икономическото развитие на участващите страни, а именно: енергия и околна среда, предприемачество и бизнес етика, информационни и комуникационни технологии, туризъм и културно наследство, агробизнес.
BalkanMed INNOVA Final Event 24-25.09.2020
The final event of the project "BalkanMed INNOVA, Balkan-Mediterranean Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation", which was implemented within the framework of the "INTERREG Balkan-Mediterranean 2014-2020" Program, took place online on September 24 and 25, 2020.
The event was honored by the presence of representatives of institutions and companies, young scientists, potential entrepreneurs, consultants, and experts in the field of entrepreneurship, as well as representatives of partners from North Macedonia, Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, and Cyprus.
The event aimed to present the results of the Project, as well as to promote the business culture, emphasizing the benefits that the Project has offered and will continue to offer both to the local communities of the participating countries and businesses, through new knowledge, and training to participants.
BalkanMed INNOVA
The final conference on the BalkanMed INNOVA project will be held on September 24th and 25th, starting at 10:00 am, funded by the European Union.
The conference will be held online, and its goal is to promote the results and benefits of the project as well as contribute to promoting entrepreneurship in the region. The event will feature panelists representatives from partner organisations from North Macedonia, Greece, Albania, Bulgaria and Cyprus, as well as representatives from companies and civil sector from these countries.
Register for the final conference on the following LINK.
The JOINT INNOVATION CENTRE OF BAS is organising a free webinar on “ENERGY FUTURE”
DATE: 02/07/2020
TIME: 12:00 CET
The participants will have the opportunity to learn about the following aspects:
• The issues of energy in the 21st century – including fossil and alternative fuels
• Energy production and utilisation
• The current and future production and utilisation of energy in the world and the EU
• finite fossil energy reserves
• how different energy sources are linked
• impacts on environment and climate
• The social and economic impacts of the present energy production and use
• The emerging field of sustainable energy, fuel production, emphasising the importance of developing energy efficient and sustainable methods of production, and how these new technologies can contribute to replacing the diminishing supplies of fossil fuels, and reduce the consequences of carbon dioxide release into the environment.
• The importance of creating a sustainable energy future for all societies.
DATE: 01/07/2020
TIME: 12:00 CET
The participants will have the opportunity to learn about the following aspects:
- The issues of global energy business
- Diverse and integrated markets for primary energy
- The essential considerations driving business leaders and policy makers in development of global energy resources in the EU
- Level of demand and supply of energy
- Basic principles of energy economics
- Energy supplies and energy market allocations in the world, and particularly in Europe
- The flows of energy resources and factors, determining these flows, including available technologies and skills, and - political factors
- Issues and trends in the global energy business
Webinar: Organic Production and Certification
Date: 08.06.2020
Time: 14.00 CET
Speaker: Xhevaire Dulja
Language: English
Fee: free of charge
ABOUT RASP (Rural Association Support Programe) calls for participants for the webinar “Development and protection of Geographical indications”. The webinar will be based on a ppt presentation where the participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss related to the presentation.
This webinar aims at providing: “Steps to follow when convert our business to organic production”
Learning objectives:
After the training, participants should be able to answer the following main questions:
What is conversion to organic?
What to convert?
Why is the conversion necessary?
What are technical reasons of conversion?
What are other reasons that justify conversion period?
Which are the main steps to perform for converting or creating a business in organic production sector?
What are the documents and regulations to be considered?
What are the documentary files that have to prepare a farm?
What are the documentary files that have to prepare a processing company before certification?
What are the procedures for certification that has to follow a farm and processing company?
Duration: 60 minutes (presentation) + 15 minutes (Q&A)
Webinar: Development and protection of Geographical indications
Date: June 5th, 2020
Time: 12.00 (CET)
Speaker: Roland Bardhi, Petrit Dobi
Language: English
Fee: free of charge
ABOUT RASP (Rural Association Support Programe) calls for participants for the webinar “Development and protection of Geographical indications”. The webinar will be based on a ppt presentation where the participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss related to the presentation.
This webinar aims at providing: A general overview of the development and protection of geographical indications.
Learning objectives:
After the training, participants should be able to answer the following main questions:
What is a geographical indication?
What are the main types of geographical names?
What value do geographical names represent for businesses?
How are geographical indications protected?
How is the GI Development process?
National and EU registration procedures.
How are geographical indications enforced?
What are the differences between geographical indications and trademarks?
What is the Control system of GI?
The role of GI in Local development.
Duration: 60 minutes (presentation) + 15 minutes (Q&A)
Webinar: Quality assurance and preventive measures, a precondition for food safety
Date: 04.06.2020
Time: 14.00 CET
Speaker: Renata Kongoli
Language: English
RASP (Rural Association Support Programe) calls for participants for the webinar “Quality assurance and preventive measures, a precondition for food safety”.
The webinar will be based on a ppt presentation where the participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss related to the presentation.
This webinar aims at providing: A general overview of quality assurance, preventive measures, and food safety.
Learning objectives:
After the training, participants should be able to answer the following main questions:
• Factors Affecting Food Safety?
• Consumers and food safety concerns
• Food quality assurance
• Quality Assurance Systems in Food Industry?
• Importance of Preventive Measures?
• Situation of Food Safety in Albania?
• Role of Higher Education and Scientific Research?
• Recommendation of EFSA & FAO?
Duration: 60 minutes (presentation) + 15 minutes (Q&A)
Date: 29/05/2020
Time: 12.00 CET
Language: English
Duration: 1 hour
The Cyprus University of Technology, in collaboration with ARIS accelerator is organizing a free webinar on the topic “Financing your venture” on 29 May 2020, at 12.00 CET.
The ARIS team will discuss financing options, including an overview of grants available for innovative businesses. The webinar will include a discussion with Petros Timotheou, CEO of Innovopolis, sharing lessons learned from the team’s fundraising journey.
Small and medium sized companies, start-ups, anyone interested to learn about financing options
Maria Yianni is a Senior Manager at Deloitte’s Restructuring Department. She has completed MIT’s Entrepreneurship Development Programme, and is the founder of two award-winning start-ups. Anthi Chatzikyriakou is a Consultant at Deloitte’s Innovation & Entrepreneurship Centre and the Operations Officer of ARIS.
Petros Timotheou, CEO of Innovopolis, a start-up redefining urban waste management.
Date: 28/5/2020
Time: 10:00 (CET)
Language: English
Duration: 1 hour
Register HERE.
The topic of energy is once more of central interest nowadays. Debates and analyses on the future availability of Energy sources and carriers, their prices, the role of energy consumption in economic growth and its environmental impact are developing daily. Civilisation based on easy, abundant energy from fossil fuels seems that is coming to an end. One reason is the finite nature of these resources, but the second one is the severe consequences of Global warming to the planet that appear to be irreversible on a human timescale. In this webinar we will outline the main causes and effects of climate change and we will discuss the key proposed strategies to coop greenhouse gasses, including Energy conservation and efficiency in addition to Zero and Negative emissions goals.
Date: 26/05/2020
Time: 10:00 (CET)
Fee: free of charge
Duration: 1 hour
Register HERE.
The lecture:
Energy has always been among the most fundamental elements for the survival, reproduction and evolution of human society. This webinar is offering a brief overview of the historical evolution of Energy, highlighting the key milestones of energy use by humans from the Paleolithic era to current times. In this webinar, we will describe the Energy systems of the past - from biomass and fire to oil and renewable sources - and we will outline the main Energy transitions from one system to another. Being in a historical phase of urgent changes and decisions that must be made, we will unveil the main driving forces behind Energy transitions and discuss the qualities and nature of the current Energy paradigm shift we are seeking.
Free Webinar: Tackling Energy Poverty in SMEs
Date: 15/05/2020
Time: 12.00 CET
Language: English
Duration: 1 hour
The subject of the presentation will be the energy poverty. It’s a new subject of scientific research which has been developed nearly the last ten years, hand in hand with the liberalization of energy market and the formation of Energy Union in the EU. During the lecture the different definitions among academia and the dominant form of its calculation in households will be presented. The focus will be on a recent qualitative research among SMEs and its conclusions.
SMEs, economists and environmentalists
Leonidas Vatikiotis is PhD economist and researcher in the Institute of Small and Medium Enterprises, specialized in issues of energy transition and climate change.
Free Webinar: “e-Commerce”
04 May 2020 || 17.00 (CET)
Register HERE.
The Laboratory of Knowledge & Intelligent Computing of the University of Ioannina, organizes a 1-hour webinar titled: “e-Commerce”
As people start utilizing the web more and more, e-shopping is becoming a common habit for more and more consumers, as well a plethora of other digital based business models. In the e-commerce webinar the basics of e-commerce and the current and emerging trends for developing a successful business online will be analyzed, as well as a guideline for important issues that have to be taken into consideration.
Date: 05.05.2020
Time: 15:00 CET
Register HERE.
The Joint Innovation Centre of BAS is organising a free webinar which will introduce the participants to good and bad practices in water use, examples of how expenses for water in the household and the garden can be reduced and then there will be an opportunity for discussion
• What is a good practice?
• Good practice criteria
• What is a bad practice?
• Examples of good and bad practices with relative case studies
Dr. Eng. Maria Temelkova graduated Sofia University of Architecture, Building and Geodesy as Civil Engineer for Water Supply and Sewerage Systems. She worked in different Bulgarian construction companies like "METALURG Project", "Geopet M", "Total Air", "Capitol Groups" where she made design of water and sewerage networks for industry and settlements. She also worked for the Sofia water service provider "Sofiyska Voda". Since 2003 she has been part of the research staff of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography. She has a PhD degree in the field of hydrology and has participated in various scientific projects and contracts financed by the Ministry of Environment and Waters, the World Bank and other organisations. She has international qualifications in Flood Risk Management and Water framework Directive form ECORYS Nederland B.V. and also from different technical universities (Ljubljana, Prague, Bratislava, Bochum, Vienna). Her scientific interests are in the field of hydrology, water resources management, water management balances, renewable energy sources.
Case studies- links to videos
The Joint Innovation Centre of BAS is organising a free webinar on “Environmental Pollution of Air: Description of the Bulgarian System for Operational Pollution Forecast”
DATE: 01/05/2020
TIME: 12:00 CET
Register HERE.
The participants will have the opportunity to learn about the following aspects:
- What are advantages and disadvantages in air pollution modeling
- Basic principles
- Social needs and problems
- Types of air pollution evaluating
- The importance of air pollution
- Description of Bulgarian System for Operational Pollution Forecast
Associate Professor Georgi Gadzhev, PhD is Head of the Section Atmospheric Physics at the National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences with main research interest in environmental pollution of air and related fields. He is author and co-author of more than 50 papers, and has participated in the implementation of more than 20 international and domestic projects of various programs. He is a member of the European Meteorology Society.
Date: 30/04/2020
Time: 12:00 CET
Register HERE.
The Joint Innovation Centre of BAS is oraganising a free webinar which will give an opportunity for the participants to acquire basic knowledge on innovative methods for assessment of soil pollution and erosion through on-line discussion on two case studies.
The first case study is related to site assessment for the presence of soil contamination in the area of lignite-burning power plant complex “Schwarze Pumpe” in Saxony, Eastern Germany. For that purpose, the first step is to characterize the natural and anthropogenic factors at the study area (geology, soil types, main pollution sources) and magnetic susceptibility data. The second stage includes description of the major heavy metals emitted by coal burning power plants. The last step includes guidance notes how to interpret the results of field measurements of soil magnetic susceptibility and how to formulate suitable set of analyses and methods for site assessment and characterization in terms of soil quality.
The second case study (based on open case studies/soil/ at the University of British Columbia) - deals with evaluation of soil erosion on sloping agricultural lands in the middle mountains of Nepal. The major tasks will be: characterization of soil quality of sloping agricultural lands in Nepal; acquaintance with the nature of erosion processes; learning how to interpret the results of erosion plot data.
Professor Diana Jordanova (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) is an internationally recognised researcher in the field of environmental and rock magnetism (h-index 18 in SCOPUS (2018) data base with over 50 publications in peer-reviewed journals). Her main research interests are related to paleoenvironmental reconstructions based on magnetism of loess-paleosolsediments, quaternary climate, magnetometry applied, to mapping/ monitoring of anthropogenic pollution of soils, sediments and urban dust, soil magnetism.
Free Webinar: “Digital Cultural Heritage in the 4th Industrial Revolution. Role and Perspectives”
Date: 29/4/2020 || Time: 16:00 (CET)
Register HERE.
The Research, Education, Innovation & Development Company of the North Aegean Region - ELORIS SA organizes webinar on topic “Digital Cultural Heritage in the 4th Industrial Revolution. Role and Perspectives”.
The development of the cultural heritage sector has reached a crossroads, and has become strategic for the times we are living, especially. A proof is needed that the strategic dimension of cultural heritage is not just a figure of speech. The sector requires the most diverse range of disciplines to perform as a final service or commodity in the eyes of the consumers and indeed only few fields of application require such a vast integration of different skills, -giving to economists a strategic role: The transformation of the AV technologies and the liberation of information from the geolocations create the enabling environment to revive the media market using contents coming from peripheral centers of production. Storytelling in one great ensemble has the possibility to create emotions and thus interact with the audiences in the most fruitful way.
We must ensure that each sectorial contribution is able to perform with resilience and without fear in front of modernization and adaptation to new needs, new rules or new professional approaches and capabilities. We need to challenge the heritage sector by reforming the supply-demand pattern in places with cultural significance and establish resilient ecosystems in European regions at grass roots level. We need to support stakeholders valorize heritage a growth asset and tackle strategic innovation in tourism with new markets and investments. Challenges, the tourism/heritage sector face with existing services, shall be matched with new skills for new jobs addressing the new world order of the EU Audiovisual Media Services Directive/2016, to connect the technology-intense experience with onsite authenticity, let supply-demand converge and combat seasonality.
Free Webinar: “Open Innovation”
Date: April 28, 2020 || Time: 16:00 CET
Register HERE.
The Laboratory of Knowledge & Intelligent Computing of the University of Ioannina, organizes a 1-hour webinar titled: " Open Innovation". During the seminar, participants will have the opportunity to discuss and exchange views.
Open Innovation is a key trend in management. Large companies, such as Samsung, Pepsi and Philips, as well as smaller innovative companies are implementing open innovation practices in order to speed up the innovation process, reduce development costs and increase the impact of innovation.
Building on company cases, the webinar provides participants an overview of all latest trends regarding the management of innovation as well as a strategic framework for practitioners aiming to implement Open Innovation in their companies.
Free Webinar: “Marginalized Heritage Destinations: a value-driven approach towards a socio-economic regeneration”
Date: 27/4/2020 || Time: 17:00 (CET) || Duration: 1 hour
Register HERE.
The lecture
The Research, Education, Innovation & Development Company of the North Aegean Region - ELORIS SA organizes webinar on topic “Marginalized Heritage Destinations: a value-driven approach towards a socio-economic regeneration”. In this online seminar we will talk about how isolated destinations can overcome crises and more specifically the crisis caused by COVID-19, based on their cultural heritage.
BalkanMed INNOVA is organising a FREE 1hour free Webinar on "Business Model Canvas: An easy and flexible framework for turning your idea into a business".
Friday, 24 April 2020, 12:00 CET (13:00 GMT+3)
Register HERE.
See how the Business Model Canvas framework works, why it is useful for startups, and how to approach each element in conjunction with others.
We'll examine the most popular business plan framework and apply the theory into practice with the case study of Uber.
This webinar will be especially helpful for Balkanmed INNOVA Webschool students interested in submitting or improving business ideas for evaluation, and /or any entrepreneur, business idea owner or SME.
BalkanMed INNOVA is organising a FREE 1-hour webinar titled: "Team Building and Human Resource Management".
Register HERE.
During the seminar, participants will have the opportunity to discuss and exchange views for the following topics:
- Human Capital
- The right team (Activities - Resources - Partnerships)
- Develop an effective team
- Objective's setting
- Training - Tools
- Recognition - Rewarding
Invitation for FREE Webinar in "Entrepreneurship: Systematization as a growth strategy"
Register now!
Organised by the BalkanMed INNOVA Project
Date: 16.04.2020 (Thursday)
Time: 12:00 CET
Target audience: SMEs
Language: English
Fee: free of charge
The participants will have the opportunity to learn about the following aspects:
1) Set up your business goals
2) Focus on your business strategy
3) Develop a sustainable business model
4) Do things that you can do extraordinary well 6) Build your business systems
7) Standardize your processes
8) Your roles will change over time
ПОКАНА Webinar: "Organic Products: EU Control System and Overview of the new EU Regulation"
Дата: 14 април 2020 г. (вторник), 17.00 ч.
Target audience: Small and medium-sized companies
Cost: Free of charge
Language: English
More info
ПОКАНА Webinar: “Social Entrepreneurship”
Дата: 20 март 2020 г. (петък), 13.00 ч.
Target audience: Small and medium-sized companies
Cost: Free of charge
Language: English
More info
Webinar “Information Management and Strategy” organised by BalkanMed INNOVA, 21.02.2020, 12:00 (CET), free of charge
Date: 21 February, 2020 – 12:00 (CET)
Target group: Small and medium-sized companies
Language: English
Cost: Free of charge
Information management and strategy is at the heart of business growth, which is why so much effort and resources are put into it developing efficient information management systems, and qualifies professionals to help implement them. Information management and strategy brings sustainable, strategic comparative advantage! For the businesses, improving efficiency and gaining a competitive advantage, means increasing profits.
Youth Entrepreneurial Service Foundation is organizing webinar “Information management and strategy” that will be held on 21 February, 2020 – 12:00 (CET). The participants will be able to share their experience and engage in discussion about the webinar case study with the other participants.
After the webninar the learners will be able to:
- - Improved production – integration of internal processes
- - Improved information systems relevant at strategy level
- - Improved marketing – better links to customers and suppliers
- - Development of new products and services
Small and medium sized companies.
In order to be part of the webinar you should fill the online form after which you will receive confirmation on your email with the registration link to the platform.
The webinar if free of charge.
Assistant D-r Trajce Velkovski, Faculty of Mechanical engineering – Skopje, University "St. Cyril and Methodius" (subjects from the field of Small Business and Management and Innovation). D-r Velkovski has many years of experience in the entrepreneurship sector mainly by mentoring start-ups and SMEs towards increased growth and internationalization.
The webinar will be held in English.
Power point presentation
Case study
For more information, please contact us at Адресът на е-пощата e защитен от спам ботове. Нужен ви е javascript, за да го видите. or +38923108891. The webinar is organized in the scope of the BalkanMed INNOVA project. The project co- funded by the European Union and National Funds of the participating countries.
Покана за участие в безплатни on-line курсове
Are you?
- -Young people, unemployed, potential entrepreneurs who desire to acquire and/or improve your knowledge & skills related to entrepreneurship and create your start-up company;
- -Entrepreneurs who want to further expand your business/business activities, who desire to improve your knowledge & skills related to entrepreneurship & increase the competitiveness of your existing company;
- -Professionals- practitioners who want to evolve and expand your (family) business;
- -SMEs in general;
- -Graduates, especially these that are out of the market for long time and want to upgrade your academic knowledge;
- -Trainers, i.e. young PhD researchers, PhDs, young academics.
Are you interested in expanding your skills and competencies in one or more of the following sectors of strategic importance?
- • ICT for SMEs, in modules such as
Basic business skills for the digital era, IT Fundamentals, Frontend web development, Backend web development, Security and compliance with regulations - • Cultural Heritage and Tourism, in modules such as
Tourism and Cultural Heritage Management, Cultural Heritage Tourism Planning and Development, Digital Cultural Heritage: Avenue for the Future - • Energy and Environment, in modules such as
Energy, Society and Economy, Energy Future, Global Energy Business, Policy and innovative methods for estimation of air pollution - • Agribusiness, , in modules such as
Protected cultivation systems, Organic production and certification, Advanced technologies in agro food processing
If yes,
take advantage of the free online courses of the Web-School for Entrepreneurial and lifelong learning that will be implemented within the framework of the project BalkanMed INNOVA.
Register on:
and you will be informed by email for the launching of the course you are interested in.
After the successful completion of the modules and related quizzes, a Certificate of Attendance will be given.
Financial support for the implementation of the most innovative business ideas.
The courses will be in English!
For more information:
Phone: +30 2681050234 | | mail: Адресът на е-пощата e защитен от спам ботове. Нужен ви е javascript, за да го видите. |
Facebook BalkanMed Innova Project |
Youtube BalkanMed INNOVA |
Linkedin BalkanMed INNOVA |
Twitter @InnovaBalkanmed |
Mеждународно обучение в областта на предприемачеството и бизнеса
На 30 и 31 октомври 2018 г. в хотел Legends, гр. София като част от дейностите на проект BalkanMed INNOVA се проведе международно обучение в областта на предприемачеството и бизнеса, организирано от Единния център за иновации на БАН. На него присъстваха повече от 30 експерти от всички партньорски страни на проекта (Гърция, Кипър, Албания, Македония и България), работещи в приоритетните области ИКТ, туризъм и културно наследство, агробизнес, енергия и околна среда. В рамките на два дни те придобиха основни умения за преподаване на научни знания и опит на настоящи и бъдещи предприемачи и хора, занимаващи се с бизнес.
Повече информация за обучението ще намерите тук.
Материали от обучението тук.
Покана за набиране на експерти в областите Energy&Environment за участие в обучение.
Екипът на проект Balkan-Mediterranean Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (BalkanMed INNOVA) организира двудневно международно обучение в областта на предприемачеството и бизнеса, предназначено за експерти в областта на енергията и околната среда.
Обучението ще се проведе на 30 и 31 октомври 2018 г. в гр. София.
Повече информация и възможност за кандидатстване ще намерите тук.
Бенчмаркинг уъркшоп по проект BalkanMed INNOVA в България
На 22. 05. 2018 г. в Конферентния център на БАН, ул. Акад. Г. Бончев, бл.26Б се проведе бенчмаркинг уъркшоп в областта на предприемачеството по проект Balkan-Mediterranean Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (BalkanMed INNOVA).
Приложени Покана и Дневен ред на събитието
Проектът има за цел да стимулира предприемаческото мислене, насърчаване стартиращи фирми и създаване на по-привлекателна среда за растежа на малките и средни предприятия. Финансирането на проекта, е по линия на Европейски фонд за регионално развитие (ЕФРР) и националния бюджет в рамките на програмата „Балкани-Средиземно море 2014-2020“.
Темите, които бяха разгледани на уъркшопа, са съсредоточени върху това как да бъдат преодолени слабостите, засягащи развитието на предприемачеството, като например:
- разликата между уменията, получени чрез образованието и пазара на труда;
- липсата на бизнес етика и предприемаческа култура; лошият достъп до финансиране; недоверието в правителствените програми;
- трудността на МСП да инвестират в нови иновативни знания.
На събитието присъстваха представители от различни институти на БАН, учени, предприемачи от различни области, както и студенти, които се интересуват от започване на собствен бизнес. Бяха дискутирани различни дейности и похвати за преодоляване на слабостите, засягащи развитието на предприемачеството, разликата между уменията, получени чрез образованието и пазара на труда, липсата на бизнес етика и предприемаческа култура, лошият достъп до финансиране, недоверието в правителствените програми и трудността на МСП да инвестират в нови иновативни знания.
Втора среща на комитета за управление на проект BalkanMed INNOVA в Лимасол, Кипър
На 26 и 27 февруари в Лимасол, Кипър се проведа втората среща на комитета за управление проект Balkan-Mediterranean Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (BalkanMed INNOVA). Бяха обсъдени напредъка по текущите дейности на проекта, изпълнението на предстоящите задачи и сроковете на отделните пакети по проекта.
Приложен Дневен ред на събитието
Стартиращо събитие по проект BalkanMed INNOVA в България
На 21. 03. 2018 г. в Конферентния център на БАН, ул. Акад. Г. Бончев, бл.26Б се проведе официалното стартиращо събитие на проект BalkanMed INNOVA в България.
Приложени Покана и Дневен ред на събитието
Бяха представени целите и идеите на проекта, както и възможностите, които съществуват за участие както от страна на обучителите, така и на крайните бенефициенти, които ще се възползват от услугите, предоставени от BalkanMed INNOVA.
Събитието премина при значителен интерес от страна на участниците. Бяха дискутирани различни проблеми, свързани с предприемачеството и свързаните с тяхното решаване бъдещи дейности по проекта.
София, 21.03.2018 г.
BalkanMed INNOVA – нова инициатива в подкрепа на предприемачеството и иновациите
Стимулиране на предприемаческото мислене, насърчаване на новаторски стартиращи фирми и създаване на по-привлекателна среда за растежа на малките и средни предприятия - това са амбициозните цели на проект BalkanMed INNOVA, финансиран от ЕФРР и националния бюджет в рамките на програмата „Балкани-Средиземно море 2014-2020“.
Проектът се изпълнява от Единния център за иновации на БАН в партньорство с още пет организации от Гърция, Кипър, Албания и Македония (БЮРМ) и е насочен към четири приоритетни за икономиката области: 1. Туризъм и културно наследство; 2. Агробизнес; 3. Информационни и комуникационни технологии за малки и средни предприятия; 4. Енергия и околна среда.
BalkanMed INNOVA предвижда три фази за постигане на общата цел. Първо ще бъдат проучени и обобщени нуждите, проблемите и неблагоприятните фактори, с които се сблъскват младите предприемачи, опитвайки се да реализират своите идеи.
На базата на този анализ през втората фаза на проекта ще бъдат разработени средства за подпомагане, достъпни за всички, които вече са започнали или планират да започнат своя нов бизнес.
През третата фаза на BalkanMed INNOVA ще бъде предоставена възможност за развитие на десет от най-добрите бизнес идеи, които могат да прераснат в бизнес-планове и да се съревновават за три гранта.
Дейностите по проекта ще бъдат насочени към следните целеви групи: 1) изследователи, учени, професори, центрове за обучение и др. – за създаване на предприемаческа култура, за да могат да комуникират науката и знанието с бизнеса; 2) завършилите училище, дългосрочно безработните и бъдещите предприемачи – за осигуряване на съвременни знания и умения за предприемачество; 3) действащи предприемачи, МСП, обучители – за обучение през целия живот.
Подкрепата, която проектът планира да развие, ще се осъществи чрез новаторската платформа за електронно обучение уеб-училище BalkanMed INNOVA за предприемачество и учене през целия живот. Ще бъдат положени усилия за успешно свързване на образованието и бизнеса и за преодоляване на различията помежду им. Ще бъдат разработени материали във вид на курсове и лекции, които ще се ползват свободно и след приключване на проекта.
Отвъд съвместното обучение, чрез дейностите за електронно наставничество и директните консултации за стартиращи фирми, много млади предприемачи ще успеят да поставят началото на своя нов бизнес до края на проекта.
Стартираща среща по проект BalkanMed INNOVA
Финансиран от ЕФРР и националния бюджет в рамките на програмата „Балкани-Средиземно море 2014-2020“, проект BalkanMed INNOVA стартира официално на 25-26.07.2017 в гр. Арта, Гърция, давайки ход на усилията за стимулиране на предприемаческото мислене, насърчаване на новаторски стартиращи фирми и насърчаване на култура, по-привлекателна за предприемачеството и растежа на малките и средни предприятия.
Специално внимание се насочва към 4 икономически дейности от голямо стратегическо значение за социално-икономическото развитие на участващите страни (Гърция, България, БЮРМ, Албания, Кипър), а именно:
1. Туризъм и културно наследство (TCH) и
2. Агробизнес (AGRI)
които са идентифицирани като сектори, допринасящи за националния БВП на участващите в проектните държави и имат значителен потенциал за растеж, както и
3. Информационни и комуникационни технологии за малки и средни предприятия (ICT4SMEs) и
4. Енергия и околна среда (EE),
които могат да бъдат третирани както като независими сектори на стопанската дейност, така и като сектори с присъствие и приложение при всеки съвременен бизнес.
Шестимата партньори по проекта:
- TEIEP - Technological Educational Institute of Epirus, Greece (Технологичен образователен институт в Епир)
- JiC-BAS - Joint Innovation Centre of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria (Единен иновационен център при БАН)
- YES - Youth Entrepreneurial Service Foundation, FYROM (Фондация "Младежка предприемаческа служба")
- RASP - Rural Association Support Programme, Albania (Програма за подпомагане на селските асоциации)
- CUT - Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus (Технически университет в Кипър)
- KEKAPEL S.A. - Vocational training center of the regional unit of lesvos s.a. Greece (Център за професионално обучение на регионалното общество, Лесбос)
взеха участие в първата среща, която отбеляза неговия официален старт и детайлизира планираните дейности в полза на всички целеви групи.